Pair of Glasses – Adult Illustration
Life Lessons Through the Use of Everyday Items
Scripts & Lesson Plan Step-By-Step Training
A pair of glasses as a whole unit can be used to demonstrate different themes but when each part of a pair of glasses can also be used to teach many life lessons.
You may use glasses fitted within a two glass lens frame to illustrate the importance of the fact that your view and God’s view on life situations must be the same. Jesus accented the need when he prayed in the garden, “not my will but thine be done”. When our view of the situation is out of the focus with what God intend, the result is a double-vision, blurred view of the situation, causing our reaction to the situation and the outcomes of our reactions to vary from what God intends for us.
Use a pair of glasses to help focus on what is good and beneficial for you to do or concentrate on, as expressed in Proverbs 23:7 “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” When wearing glasses, our vision is sharp because… the glasses are specifically ground and fitted by a master optician to adjust for our specific needs. Philippian’s 4:8 (abbreviated) calls us to think on, “Whatever is just, noble right, pure, lovely, honorable, excellent and worthy of praise; think on these things.”
What we focus on directly shapes what we do and say plus the outcome is weighed in light of eternity. Matthew 12: 34b-37 states, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 35A good man out of the good treasure £of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. 36But I say to you that for every idle
word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.
37For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
A Pair of Glasses: While holding up a pair of typical glasses, ask, “”Overall, what do you use glasses for?”They help the vision impaired seetheir best or improve one’sfocus so one can see more clearly. As God’s people, the Bible likewise provides our focusso we operate appropriately. 2 Timothy 2:15: “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman and not ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth”. A few more life lessons come to mind when we think of the parts of a pair of glasses.
Glass Lenses: The good news about lenses is that lenses help one see more clearly and sharpens our focusbut only when properly positioned within theirintended frame. The lenses are custom made by a master optician who grinds and fits the glasses into the frames thus allowingthe wearer to see the world clearly.
When out of their frame, the lenses become useless, just as we do when we withdraw ourselves from the framework of others within the body of Christ. 1 Cor. 12:12 declares “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all the parts are many, they form one body”
If the lenses areused by themselves to redirect thesun rays by holding them down and at the right angle, therefracted beam can start fires that can burn out of control and destroy everything in the fire’s path. When we misdirect our focus from the love, forgiveness and acceptance in Christ and redirect it toward being judgmental, causing division and infighting, we too burn the very fabric of unity that holds us together and makes cooperative ministry occur.
When lenses are simply out of adjustment within the frames, they can distort vision and create more damage to the very eyes they were made to improve. This in turn reduces the effectiveness of the entire body.It is essential that we keep our vision sharp and focused through daily Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.
The Glass Frames: What good is a great pair oflenses without glass frames? Both parts are dependent on each other. Neither is more important than the other; both are essential to fulfilling their joint ultimate call and purpose as a unit. Frames are made to securely hold the lenses in position so clarity of focus is achieved. The Holy Spirit is the frame on Whombelievers depend and Who allows us to understand the Bible as it applies to us. He focuses us so we become effective in the spheres of influence allotted to us.
Color and Style of Frames: What is the primary motivation behind picking out glasses frames? We may say lofty things like their utility, size, and trendystylewhich are someconsiderations. The primary reasonhowever is often just simplyour vanity. “How do these glasses look on me?” I want to make the best impression; especially if it is a first impression!We want to make the best impression on the world in which God has placed us. Just as glasses bring out the best in our appearance so we must put our best foot forward to share Christ’s redemptive plan and help others in their spiritual journey. As individuals andas a group, we,as part of the church, have to be sensitive to the needs, interests, and preferences of those we are trying to reach and teach. We, as His church need to adapt our methods of corporate worship and evangelistic outreach to reach the current generation with His ageless message.
Proper Positioning of the Frame and Lenses: The fully completed glasses must be properly positioned on your one’s face, just as the believer must be properly positioned within the body of Christ to work together. Unlessall parts of the pair of glasses systematically cooperate and coordinate with each other, the glasses will not serve their intended purposes.We are, according to Roman’s 8:37,“Overwhelming conquerors in Christ”.Luke 6:48 states, “A house built on a firm foundation stands strong”. We too stand strong and are overwhelming conquers when positioned in the Lord’s framework called the body of Christ!
A Screw Missing: All is going well, vision is clear, and the glasses are working great. In a short time however a single, almost invisible screw loosens, then falls out. The effectiveness and appearance of the glasses have been significantly weakened, or even destroyed. Periodically we forget the importance of every member of the body in which we are a part. 1 Cor. 12:12 declares “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all the parts are many, they form one body”.Then in verse 18, “But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be”. If you feel you are that loose screw or about to be a missing screw, don’t go missing but count your blessings! Verse 18 clearly states thatGod put you in apivotal and strategic place; so do your job wholeheartedly because you are where God placed you and wants to use you today. Circumstances may call you elsewhere; then serve wholeheartedly there as well. In eternity we will account for our stewardship. Matthew 12:37says, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned”. So do right, and God gets the glory, while we receive an eternal reward as well.