
Program Types



The use of ventriloquist puppetry, sleight of hand artistry and captivating stories usher all ages into an exciting learning environment.


Church, Camp, Outreach


Parochial*, Public, & Private.


General Audiences


Custom Program Event

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Biblical Outreach



The M & M*TEAM provides Christ honoring Bible-centered programs. The use of ventriloquist puppetry, sleight of hand artistry and captivating stories usher all ages into an exciting learning environment.


Ministry Services

Personalization of our program to your event, theme or Biblical passage is commonplace. However, we have a summary of several event themes appropriate for camp and VBS programs. Programs include:

-Sunday school

-Morning worship

-Single or series evangelistic outreach



-Youth programs

-Family night

-Parent/child evens




-Youth and family camps or retreats

-Children’s Sunday


-Kid’s club

-Pioneer Club kick-off or awards night

-Neighborhood outreach

-Special events


-Fair ministries

-Parochial schools

-Senior specials

-Senior care center or hospital outreaches

-TV shows

School Programs



The M & M*TEAM provides educationally driven, student interactive memory hook programs. The use of awesome ventriloquist puppetry, mind boggling sleight of hand artistry and captivating stories usher all ages into an exciting learning environment.


Age-Geared Themes

Choices: Accepting Responsibility

Non-violent Conflict Resolution

Respecting Yourself and Others: Cultural Diversity

Drug-Free: Say Yes to Life

Self-Esteem and Me

Peer Pressure vs. Your Choice

Everyday is Earth Day



Choices: Accepting Responsibility

A constant challenge for youth today is making the best choice after considering the available options. The “how-to’s” of wise choice selection and the affects on one’s self and others is examined.

Major points presented and discussed are:

-When you make a choice, you may get more than you bargained for.

-A choice becomes part of you and shapes what others think of you. Unwise choices may trap you.

-Even though people are different on the outside, everyone is very much the same on the inside. Positive feelings, respect, pleasantness, fairness and concern are desired by all.

-If you make “air-head” or thoughtless choices, you may get stuck with unpleasant consequences.

-Problems must be handled or they’ll tie you in knots on the inside as well as hurt the relationship. Talk to someone who can help take the “knots” out.
-If you do not work together or if you make unwise choices (i.e., drugs, theft, lies, hitting, name-calling, etc.), you’ll use up everything and get nothing in return.

-Wise or unwise choices always have consequences and affect the balance.

-An unwise choice repeated can get a grip on you. The key is within yourself, called self-control, not just who you’re with or where you are.

-If wise choices are made, renewing and fulfillment of your body, mind, and relationships have a chance to occur. You are not locked into a choice because others do it. You can choose for yourself. We can start a new standard of life or stick to the “old tested ways of healthy living, sound decisions, and responsible actions.”

Non-violent Conflict Resolution

Our program’s goal is to help the audience learn to assertively and directly face potential conflict in a non-violent and rational problem-solving way.

Assertively addressing potential conflict in a cooperative, non-threatening manner is essential.  There are some points under the theme, “Choices and accepting responsibility,” that relate to “Conflict resolution,” also.

The following are areas upon which parties agree in order to solve a problem.

-Resolve the conflict.

-Tell the truth.

-No interruptions.

-No put downs.

-No fights.

-Forgive, forget it, and move on.



Respecting Yourself and Others:Cultural Diversity

The goal of this program is to examine the following points:

-Liking oneself requires accepting responsibility for personal choices.

-Self-perception often governs or shapes how one treats those around him.

-Differences in people’s appearances, belief-systems, and traditions may provide constructive bridges to understanding, friendship, and growth. The same difference may on the other hand be used as building blocks to a wall of indifference, mistrust, and resentment. How one handles differences makes the difference.

-Though we are different on the outside (hair color and style, body shape and size, clothing styles, ethnic traditions and beliefs), we are all very much the same on the inside (desire for acceptance, respect, care and concern, as well as wanting good things for our future).

-Daily choices are made when dealing with people of different beliefs, traditions or cultures. There are consequences of those choices. Time wisely spent learning about another’s cultural behaviors and sharing our cultural differences may build bridges to greater understanding, respect, and acceptance. Criticizing, condemning and fighting over the differences often reap unpleasant results and builds walls of indifference.

-We must work together for all our sakes or walls of indifference, prejudice and distrust may result.

-We explore ways to express our questions about another’s culture or belief system in non-offensive, non-violent ways.

Drug Free: Say “YES” To Life

The following points are shared:

-Reasons for saying “NO” to drugs from a health and wellness perspective are explored.

-Alternatives that fill one’s life with fulfilling things (sport, education, hobbies, friends, etc).

-Creative ways to state your “no use” position, while encouraging your friends to not use as well.

-Drugs treat everyone the same in many ways.

In addition, some points from the theme, “Choices and Accepting Responsibility” are shared.


Self-Esteem and Me

Developing a balanced view of oneself and our interrelationship with others is examined.

-Liking oneself requires accepting responsibility for choices made.

-How one views self, often governs how one treats those around him.

-Even though we are different on the outside, all people are very much the same on the inside.

-Making wise choices, living a healthy life style and treating each other with mutual respect combine to shape how one feels about oneself.

-Several enabling skills of making decisions are incorporated under this theme.

Peer Pressure vs. Your Choice

This theme combines the main points of “Choices: Accepting Responsibility” with those of “Self-Esteem and Me.”



Everyday is EARTH DAY

-Respecting the environment, examining benefits of accepting responsibility and doing our best to protect natural resources are discussed. Brain storming the positive aspects of conservation are also examined.

-Every Day should be earth day when it comes to respecting our resources, others and ourselves.

-Negative outcomes of disrespectful actions are positive outcomes of protecting our environment. Daily actions (littering, “street art, graffiti, and tagging” are discussed as once known as graffiti.

-Accepting responsibility for personal conduct helps maintain a balanced life and environment.

Though we make individual choices, principles of nature, life and relationships apply.

For the most part, life choices have predictable outcomes though accidents and other people’s choices may affect the outcome. You can have control over the outcome of your choices. Some of these principles are:

A. The harvest principal: what you sow you reap.

B. Do to others, as you would have them do to you.

C. Every action has a corresponding reaction or a cause and effect on the environment or on relationships.

D. Consequences of a choice are unavoidable though they can be minimized.



General Programs



The M & M*TEAM uses extraordinary ventriloquist puppetry, awesome sleight of hand artistry and guided discussions to usher all ages into an exciting, imaginative and effective learning environment. All 40-55 minute programs are age-geared to the audience.

Program Selections

First Division

Second Division

General Audience




First Division

Involves general education, entertainment or customized programming at:


Both Public or Private

Corporate Functions

Service Club Events









Special Events


Television Specials

Senior Specials

Care Centers



Second Division

Involves biblical outreach programs on the theme or biblical passage of your choice public gatherings such as:

Parochial Schools

Sunday School

Evangelistic Outreach


Youth Programs

Family Night




Youth and Family Camps or Retreats

Morning Worship

Children’s Sunday




Mother or Father/Child

Neighborhood Outreach

Big Friend/Child

Special Events




Television Specials

Senior Specials

Care Center or Hospital Outreaches


General Audience Themes

High impact entertainment with either a low-key or very purposeful message.

Our customized programming is for your family or age-geared events, such as:


Camp Retreats



Corporate Functions

In-service Training






Service Club

Special Events

“Special Needs” Events

Sunday School

Vacation Bible School

Comments from “M & M TEAM LIVE” Programs

“Excellent, customized, informational and entertaining presentations which fit in so well as our Cambridge school assembly and family programs and at the Italian Workman’s Club.  I highly recommend your programs.

Mike Messina , PTO and IWC Representative
 Cambridge, WI

“Timeless, on target, tailored to the audience. Living proof “live” beats virtual reality!” (on a scale of 1-6, your quality, age-appropriateness, professionalism and ability to communicate all rate sixes)

Brian Mousley, Middle school teacher
 Deerfield Middle School, Deerfield, WI



Corporate Functions


We feature either a high level interactive entertainment based program with a low-key message or a purpose driven program with an interwoven message.




Custom Programming For Your Event

Themes include:

-Corporate Functions

-Service Club Events Banquets



-Rallies Exhibits




Program Offerings

Custom Programming for your Event
 Program Endorsement

Program Endorsement:

“I recommend the M & M*TEAM without hesitation. It’s my first choice for health fairs and open houses. He works his magic on audiences of all ages, weaving the ever important messages into entertainment.” 
(seven program visits in 6 years)

Asst. Admin. Barbara J. Dodge
 The Sheboygan Clinics, Sheboygan, WI

“Oakdale CU highly recommends the M & M TEAM to perform at any function you have. Mel was a great hit at our annual meeting. His audience interaction and subject material were exceptional (personalized credit union theme). He really worked the audience with his sleight of hand tricks, humor, and his ventriloquist puppet. Without hesitation, contact Mel.” 4/97

Colleen Waggon, President
 Oakdale Credit Union, Mauston, WI

“Thank you again for your special program. To quote a resident, ‘the program was very enlightening, interesting and entertaining.’

Marilyn R. Hahn, Colonial View (second visit)
Sun Prairie, WI

“Some comments made were: It was great! He had a message, involved the audience. You have an entertaining and uplifting program.

Melanie Erdmann, M. S. W.
 Rock Co. Human Services
 Janesville, WI

“Thank you for your presence and performances in the youth tent . Everyone loved you. You work so well with young people and your message is so strong. Even in the heat, your shows went well raising spirits of everyone.” (third visit)

Rachel Heidtke, Youth Tent Program Coordinator
 Wisconsin Farm Progress Days ’95

“Very good! Hope you come back next year!

President Lou Salla, Odon IN – Business Assn.
 Odon, IN



The M and M Team uses every day items as well as awesome ventriloquist puppetry and mind-boggling interactive sleight of hand magic to share biblical and life lessons.

Please check out the entire Memory Hook Education resource library for more information on this and other every day items. Your comments, added illustrations and applications would be appreciated as well!