Since the beginning of February, outreach has been action filled with SIX youth and family presentations starting with three 30-40 minute presentations at Ruby’s Pantry food, which shares distribution at East Gate Church in Marshfield.
Fast forward to Saturday, March 1, we conducted two youth and family presentations at the 2014 Ministry Expo, hosted by the Wisconsin Christian News and was held at Cedar Creek Mall in Wausau. The Expo emphasis was “Restoring the Family” and at our display we introduced the M and M Team’s MEMORY HOOK EDUCATION division. Referring to our web-based educational outreach at . We touched over 845 lives between the presentations and our booth.
As Paul Curtiss completed the display contacts and took down the display set; Mr. M and M (Mel Curtiss) was hitting the road back to Marshfield for a birthday party event for 18 people. A great time was had by all! 100% of all our programs are educationally driven so the children and adults were pleasantly introduced to a fun-filled yet memorable program of memory hook magic and Cool Clyde. The host was so excited about the program he gave Mr. M and M a $40.00 tip since it was the best program he had ever seen, “Fun plus education, what a twist” said the host.